NMN - A Small Molecule, Revealing its Brilliance

NMN - A Small Molecule, Revealing its Brilliance

In the vast sea of molecules that make up our bodies, there’s a small  molecule that has gone unnoticed for centuries, patiently waiting for the right time to reveal its brilliance.

Until just recently.

But before we dive any deeper into the mesmerizing realm of this mystery molecule, let’s briefly talk about health and longevity in general to ground ourselves for the revelations to come.

Health and  Longevity

These two fundamental concepts have long captivated humanity, having been the subject of extensive inquiry and exploration. Achieving optimal health and longevity has been a continuous aspiration for individuals and societies alike and, over time, science and medicine have provided insights into the workings of the human body, leading to innovative interventions that can  enhance health and prolong life. From  proper nutrition

and regular exercise to cutting-edge medical treatments and therapies, there exists a plethora of strategies that can  be used to elevate health and promote longevity.

By leveraging the power of scientific inquiry, researchers have now  begun to unravel the intricacies of the human body and the fundamental biological mechanisms that impinge upon the human condition when it comes to aging.  By piecing together these underlying molecular processes, researchers are now  able to develop novel therapeutic interventions that could reverse, decelerate, or even prevent the age-related decline of human health.

Image of a girl sitting in the nature in abstract style with trees and mountains behind colored in turquoise and pink

The Discovery of NMN

It wasn’t until scientists delved deeper into the inner workings of our  cells that they finally discovered a truly astounding molecule that would change the landscape of health and longevity research as we know  it - Nicotinamide Mononucleotide.

I know,  it’s a real tongue twister, so for the purpose of this blog post, let’s just stick with its abbreviation, NMN.

It all began with a group of researchers who  were exploring the intricacies of the NAD+ molecule, a molecule that plays  a crucial role in our  metabolism and cellular function. As they probed deeper, by pure chance, they stumbled upon a previously unknown intermediate in the NAD+ biosynthesis pathway. And lo and behold, they had just discovered NMN - the small  molecule with a big name.

The revelation quickly captured the attention of scientists around the globe, now  in hot pursuit to investigate it for its properties and potential uses. From  its humble beginnings as a little-known molecule, NMN has now  made huge waves and become somewhat of a star of the scientific world, with researchers around the globe exploring its many potential applications when it comes to human health and longevity.

And as you’ll soon come to know,  this tiny hero may  not wear a cape, but it has some truly astounding properties.

The Groundbreaking Science of NMN

What makes NMN particularly interesting is its close association with Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD+ for short.

NAD+ is an indispensable coenzyme that fulfills a wide array of functions within the body, such as facilitating energy production, maintaining DNA integrity, and influencing gene expression. Unfortunately, as we age, NAD+ levels gradually dwindle, leading to cellular dysfunction, metabolic aberrations, and ultimately, the onset of age-related pathologies.

Before the discovery of NMN, researchers knew that NAD+ levels declined with age, but they didn't know  how  to increase them. The discovery of NMN as a direct precursor to NAD+ production was  a significant breakthrough, leading to much of the current research on NMN and its potential health benefits.

Some research has suggested that NMN supplementation could bolster NAD+ levels, potentially conferring a slew of health advantages, including but not limited to improvements in cardiovascular, metabolic and liver function, as well as cognitive ability.

Gariani,  K., et al.  (2016),oshino,  J.,  et al (2011), Uddin,  G. M.,  et al.  (2020), Hong, W.,  et al.  (2020), Zhang, H.,  et al.  (2016).

And if that wasn’t enough, NMN has also been shown to activate key enzymes that promote DNA repair (Fang  EF, et al.  2016),  and guard against oxidative stress  (Mills, K. F., et al.  2016), two crucial mechanisms that play pivotal roles in the aging  process.

Therefore, the purported health benefits of NMN are anything but mundane; rather, they are a tantalizing prospect that could potentially revolutionize the field of anti- aging research and therapeutics.

However, despite this enormous breakthrough, NMN is still not widely known or understood by the general public. So let’s change that, right here, right now  - in layman’s terms.

 Think of NMN as a tiny engineer, working tirelessly to repair and maintain the body's cellular machinery. Being able to rebuild what has been broken, reinforce what is weak, and keep the body functioning at peak performance. It’s a tiny warrior that can  make a big difference in the battle against aging.  With NMN, the body becomes a fortress, protected from the ravages of time and the onslaught of disease. It’s a powerful tool

for those looking to enhance their quality of life, improve their health, and extend their lifespan.

Now, let’s dive into some of the most recent research on NMN.

Scientific Studies & Clinical Trials

Let’s have a closer look at three scientific publications in particular, from which  we will learn the following:

1) How NMN could reduce melanin production and delay aging.

2) How NMN could improve cognitive function, lessening the likelihood of chronic illnesses.

3) The effectiveness and safety of using NMN as a supplement.

1) NMN can Reduce Melanin Production In Aged Melanocytes

In the realm of skin health, melanin production is a double-edged sword. While it provides us with a natural defense against the sun's harmful rays,  it can  also lead to hyperpigmentation and aging appearance.

Researchers have been exploring natural compounds that can  help regulate melanin production, and NMN has emerged as a promising candidate.

In a recent study they examined the effects of NMN on melanin production in aged melanocytes (specialized skin cells that produce melanin, which  gives color  to the skin, hair, and eyes). They found that NMN acted like a master regulator, inhibiting what’s called cAMP/Wnt signaling and reducing melanin production (Brito,  S.,  et al.  2022).

It's as if NMN is a conductor, bringing harmony to the orchestra of melanocytes. By inhibiting the overactive signaling that leads to excess melanin production, NMN helps to restore balance and prevent hyperpigmentation.

These findings are significant since hyperpigmentation is a common sign of aging  and can be very difficult to treat. By exploring the potential of natural compounds like NMN, researchers are now  opening up new avenues for skin health and rejuvenation. As research continues we may  uncover even more ways  that NMN can  benefit the skin. With its

potential to bring balance and harmony to our  skin's many processes, NMN may  just be the maestro that we've been looking for in the fight against aging.

2) NMN Alleviates LPS-Induced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

In a world full of hidden foes, the immune system requires all the assistance it can  get. Here, NMN enters the fray as a natural remedy, earning recognition as a potential warrior in the struggle against inflammation and oxidative stress.

A recent study shows that NMN is truly a valiant defender of the immune system. By battling lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in macrophages, NMN becomes a forceful shield for these microscopic soldiers of the immune system  (Wang,  X.,  et al.  2021).

The researchers discovered that NMN decreased the expression of COX-2, a protein involved in inflammation, resulting in a significant decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress. It did

this by immediately taking the role of a strategist, leading the charge against the foes of our immune system and elevating the macrophages' ability to repel harmful intruders.

NMN is like a hidden treasure trove of health benefits that are just waiting to be unlocked. Its many uses makes it a possible game-changer in the battle against chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

Therefore, the purported health benefits of NMN are anything but mundane; rather, they are a tantalizing prospect that could potentially revolutionize the field of anti-aging research and therapeutics.

3) The Efficacy and Safety of NMN Supplementation

One concern that some people may  have regarding NMN supplementation is whether it is safe for human consumption.

But did you know  that NMN is a natural occurring molecule that can  be found in everyday foods we have at our disposal? Edamame, cabbage,broccoli and avocados are some of them, just to name a few.

Another recent study focused solely on the safety of NMN supplementation in humans, and with promising results. So let's have a look at it.

In a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, researchers investigated the safety and efficacy of NMN supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults. The study consisted of 60 participants who  were divided into four  groups and given different doses of NMN or a placebo. The study went on for 12 weeks.

They found that NMN supplementation was  well-tolerated and safe, with no significant adverse effects reported. The researchers observed no changes in kidney or liver function, blood glucose levels, or other safety parameters in any of the NMN groups compared to the placebo group (Keisuke  O.,  et  al. 2022).

Other studies have shown similar results, including a study in healthy Japanese men (Irie,  J.,  et  al.  2020).

Taken together, these findings add to a growing body of evidence that suggests NMN is safe for human consumption and provide promising support for the potential of NMN as a natural and safe way to support health and longevity.

Invest in Your Future with NMN: A Supplement for Longevity and Vitality

NMN really appears to be the stuff of science fiction brought to life - a molecule that holds the power to transform our  bodies and our  lives as a whole. It’s a captivating time to be alive in, a fascinating discovery which  has the potential to completely change the course of human health and longevity as we know  it.

Overall, the potential benefits of NMN are numerous and wide-ranging. Who can  tell what other mysteries this little molecule holds? The journey of discovery continues, and the possibilities are endless.

Don't miss  out on the chance to experience the many benefits of NMN for yourself. Consider adding NMN to your  supplement routine today, and take the first step towards a happier, healthier and more vibrant you!

Healthy woman depicted within a pill with abstract supplements beneath her

Order our Vitruline Longevity Bundl today and start experiencing the benefits of Resveratrol and NMN for yourself. With our comprehensive approach to healthy aging, you'll look and feel your best in no time.


Brito,  S.,  et  al.  (2022)  “Nicotinamide  mononucleotide  reduces  melanin  production  in  aged melanocytes  by  inhibiting  cAMP/Wnt  signaling.”  J  Dermatol  Sci.  2022  Jun;106(3):159-169.  doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2022.05.002.

Fang  EF, et al.  (2016).  "NAD+ replenishment  improves  lifespan  and healthspan  in  ataxia telangiectasia  models  via  mitophagy  and DNA repair."  Cell  Metabolism,  24(4),  566-581.

Gariani,  K.,  et  al.  (2016).  Eliciting  the  mitochondrial  unfolded  protein  response  by  nicotinamide adenine  dinucleotide  repletion  reverses  fatty  liver disease  in  mice.  Hepatology,  63(4),  1190-1204.  doi: 10.1002/hep.28245 

Imai,  S.,  & Guarente, L. (2016).  It  takes two to tango:  NAD+ and sirtuins  in  aging/longevity  control.NPJ  Aging  and  Mechanisms  of  Disease,  2(1),  16017.  doi:  10.1038/npjamd.2016.17 

Irie,  J.,  et al  (2020).  Effect  of  oral   administration  of  nicotinamide  mononucleotide  on  clinicalparameters and nicotinamide  metabolite  levels  in  healthy  Japanese  men. doi:10.1507/endocrj.EJ19-0313 

Keisuke  O.,  et al.  (2022).  “Oral  administration  of  nicotinamide  mononucleotide  is  safe and  efficiently increases  blood  nicotinamide  adenine  dinucleotide  levels  in  healthy  subjects.”  Front  Nutr. 2022;  9:868640.

Hong,   W.,  et  al.  (2020).  “Nicotinamide  Mononucleotide:  A Promising  Molecule  for  Therapy  of  Diverse Diseases  by  Targeting  NAD+ Metabolism.”  Front.  Cell Dev.  Biol.,  28  April  2020.   Sec. Molecular  and Cellular  Pathology,  Volume  8  -  2020.  doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00246 

Mills,  K.  F.,  et  al.  (2016).  "Long-term  administration  of  nicotinamide  mononucleotide  mitigates age-associated  physiological  decline  in  mice."  Cell  Metabolism,  24(6),  795-806. 

Uddin,  G.  M.,  et al.  (2020).  "Nicotinamide  mononucleotide  (NMN) supplementation  promotes  insulin secretion  and improves  lipid  metabolism  in  high-fat  diet-fed  mice."  Cells. 2020   Apr;  9(4):  791.  doi:10.3390/cells9040791.

Wang,  X.,  et al.  (2021).  “Nicotinamide  Mononucleotide  Alleviates  LPS-Induced  Inflammation  and Oxidative  Stress via  Decreasing  COX-2  Expression  in  Macrophages.”  Front  Mol  Biosci.  2021  Jul 6;8:702107. doi:  10.3389/fmolb.2021.702107

Yoshino,  J.,  et  al.  (2011).  Nicotinamide  mononucleotide,  a  key  NAD+  intermediate,  treats  the pathophysiology  of  diet-  and age-induced  diabetes  in  mice.  Cell  metabolism,  14(4),  528-536.  doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2011.08.014

Zhang,  H.,  et  al.  (2016).  "NAD+  repletion  improves  mitochondrial  and  stem  cell  function  and enhances lifespan  in  mice."  Science.  2016   Jun  17;352(6292):1436-43.  doi:  10.1126/science.aaf2693